Once You Pend the Property- 3 steps!


What to do after the home inspection:

Now that the home inspection is complete, you will receive the home inspection report in your email if you have not already.  The next step is to request items from the report that you would like the seller to fix before you purchase the home.  Keep in mind that the offer was made based on what we already knew. 

Appraisal Time!  What is this about?

Fantastic news- the appraisal has been ordered.  What is an appraisal?  It is a non-biased third party that comes to the home to look, measure, take photos, and complete a thorough analysis to give the home a value based on recent, comparable sales.

Inspections, Appraisal, and Title Insurance?  Oh My!

Everything is coming together!

Consumer Disclosure (CD), Settlement Statement, and Utilities!

Shortly after the appraisal is back, the lender will issue the Consumer Disclosure (CD) and needs the buyer(s) to acknowledge they received it to start the 3 business day wait, which is a federal requirement, and allows the buyer(s) to sign on the 4th business day (signing is sometimes used synonymously with "closing" and can create confusion since you don't OWN the property until it records the business day AFTER the buyer signs or otherwise agreed upon date).  At this point, it is time to change over the utilities to the buyer's name from the seller's name for the recording day.

What is "Closing Day" exactly?

Closing day is the day the final documents are signed at the title company. 

Ready to buy?

Our team of agents are ready to help you reach your real estate goals by making your needs our number one priority. Our team of agents looks forward to earning your trust and helping you discover the smarter way to buy a home. Please take about 5 minutes to fill out our Buyer's Form so that we may serve your needs better.